Empire :: Troubleshooting

Deleting an Empire CloudFormation stack

If you've created an Empire CloudFormation stack and deployed an app to it, you have created an ECS Service with an attached ELB inside the VPC of your Empire stack. Before you can delete the stack, you must no longer have any services or ELBs running inside of it. You can do this by running emp destroy <app> for each app in your Empire cluster.

Note that, if you forget to do this, you can always manually destroy the CloudFormation stack for the application.

Launch Empire with stacker and empire_ami

If you're using the empire stacker, and you see an error like below when running emp commands:

$ emp apps
error: Get https://empire.acme-inc.com/apps: EOF

This most likely means empire had trouble launching. The ansible upstart log in the empire controllers should give pointers to what went wrong. SSH into the bastion, then one of the empire controllers and check the output of the following file:

root@ip-10-128-10-40:~# cat /var/log/upstart/ansible.log

If there's an error message right after "Loading /etc/empire/seed", this probably means there's unsupported characters in one of the parameters in your .env file.