Activating log streaming

By default, log streaming is deactivated in Empire. If you try to run emp log -a <app>, you will get the following response:

$ emp log -a acme-inc
Logs are disabled

To activate log streaming on Empire, you need to set the EMPIRE_LOG_STREAMER environment variable on your Empire instance(s). Right now the only value supported is kinesis, but we hope to support more in the future.

When using Amazon Kinesis log streaming, Empire will try to read the logs from the Kinesis stream named after the app id (the UUID Empire automatically assigns to your app, upon creation). This means that the Kinesis streams need to pre-exist with logs in them before Empire can forward them to your terminal. We use logspout-kinesis to do so. Our official Empire AMI also takes care of running logspout and activating Kinesis log streaming on Empire.